Meet Dr. Pecca


My Story

My name is Dr. Kevin Pecca and I am a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C) with an office located in Montclair New Jersey. I practice the Blair Upper Cervical technique and hold a specialty in Blair Upper Cervical (upper neck) alignment and health. I suffered 6 concussions playing Ice hockey which ended my career at 20 years of age and left me with an array of symptoms such as Headaches, blurred vision, dizziness, brain fog, lightheadedness, Anxiety, depression, hand tremors, and knee pain. My health problems had become so debilitating I didn’t think l would ever feel normal again. I went to countless medical specialists looking for answers. Some told me it was all in my head, while others told me I was going to have to live with these symptoms for the rest of my life. All of my blood work, CAT scans, and MRI’s came back negative and I had absolutely no idea where to go or what to do.

I was put on seizure medication to help my hands stop shaking, I was put on anti-depressants to boost my mood, and I was put on painkillers to numb the pain. Nothing seemed to be working and I began to feel worse. After being treated by many medical specialists for 4 years with little results, I found myself in a Blair Upper Cervical office. I started to heal after the first adjustment! Blair upper cervical literally saved my life, and now I am healthy and get to practice the technique that gave me my life back and share it with the world. I am excited to be back in NJ helping people regain their health through Upper cervical care. I graduated from Red Bank Catholic HS. I received my BA in psychology from Catholic University in Washington, DC and my Doctorate of Chiropractic from Southern California University of Health Sciences. In my free time, I love to surf, play hockey, fish, practice yoga, hike and travel.


Every day we witness upper cervical care helping people regain and maintain their health. Our office is dedicated to enhancing peoples lives by delivering high quality, affordable upper cervical health care in a friendly environment.

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155 Prospect Avenue, Suite 202 West Orange, NJ 07042

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